A good design, accompanied by a good control of the process to do it, is the equivalent of maximum satisfaction.
Lessons learned from the past in the creation of sophisticated machines in space aeronautics, now applicable to any manufacturer of automotive parts. And for all types of industry.
Amazing techniques, all the strategies of the great precursors of the quality of the world. in a single Core Tools system
Big Promotion of Coretools course-workshop costs, for Mexico City and the Metropolitan Area, on the job site.
Gran Promocion costos de curso-taller Coretools, para Ciudad de Mexico y Area metropolitana, en sitio de trabajo.
Other States in the Interior of the Mexican country, or for Latin American Countries, will negotiate extra costs for viatics
More Information:
qos.coretools@gmail.com, support@qos-coretools.com
Otros Estados en el Interior del pais mexico, o para Paises de Latinoamerica, se negociaran costos extras por viaticos.